I was playing racing games in my bedroom with little room for a desk to put my steering wheel on. I couldn’t afford or have space for a gaming chair or frame so had to think how am I’m going to use this steering wheel.

Tried it in the lounge, a coffee table is too low and a table gets in the way and is the wrong height for a couch. Your partner /parents will soon get fed up with a table or gaming chair in the lounge, mine did! So I needed something small which can support the steering wheel.

I tried various different designs, the main problem was the effort to keep the steering wheel on my lap from gaming and from the force feedback, so I had to come up with a way to not get achy legs! 

Vamtor’s LD10 solves these problems by strapping to your legs so you don’t need effort to keep it there, is smaller enough to put away easily and is very cost effective

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Sketched out some designs then made a foam prototype, I checked fit and form

I turned this into a wood, glass and aluminium design, checked fit form and function. launched product for review, feed back showed there was a need but price too high. I used this for my gaming and wanted more grip.

Started designing a more stylish version

Final design complete, checked for manufacturability and patented

Plastic prototype made

Tell me the next development step, what do you want it to be compatible with?

Vamtor’s LD 10 will be launched on a crowding website soon. Subscribe for updates here: Subscribe

Design path 1

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